
Taxes in Türkiye 2023 and new fees

July 25, 2024

الضرائب في تركيا

The Turkish Statistics Authority announced the taxes in Turkey 2023 and the new fees, according to the usual change in the value of taxes and government fees that rise annually, and we have prepared this report on the new taxes because it is a topic of interest to every foreign resident in Turkey, regardless of the nature of his residence.

How much did taxes increase in Turkey 2023

According to what was announced in the Turkish National Statistical Authority, taxes will increase by approximately 122.9% on average for 2023, exceeding the previous annual rise in 2022, which was only 36.2%.

Based on several data related to inflation in Turkey, exchange rates and expectations for the exchange movement of the Turkish lira against other currencies during this year, in addition to other aspects and criteria, we will address them in detail in this article, after talking about the accurate numerical values of the most important new taxes in the next paragraph.

List of new fees in Turkey

The editorial team at Skyline Real Estate reviewed a list of the most important fees, fines and taxes in Turkey and the values of their rise for a year, which was explained in the following subparagraphs:

Real Estate Fees in 2023

The value allocated to real estate taxes in Turkey is related to three factors:

  1. Property Type
  2. City "big or not big"
  3. Property Price

To illustrate this, you can see the following table:

Non-large cities

Large cities

Property Type


1 per thousand

2 per thousand


2 per thousand

4 per thousand

Non-residential buildings

1 per thousand

2 per thousand



The big cities in Turkey are:































As for the rest of the Turkish cities, they are classified as non-large cities "medium or small"

Read also: Small cities in Turkey: Top 7 cities

Driving License Fees

On average, the fees allocated for issuing driving licenses in Turkey in 2023 are estimated as follows:

License Category

Value in 2022

Value in 2023

Annual Rise Percentage

Class A Driving License

370 TL

826 TL


Class B Driving License

1116 TL

2489 TL


Turkish passport fees

As for the issuance of passports, the tax values in Turkey for this matter in 2023 are estimated as follows:

Passport duration

Value in 2022

Value in 2023

Annual Rise Percentage

6 months

310 TL

690 TL


one year

452 TL

1008 TL


Two years

738 TL

1646 TL


4 Years

1478 TL

3294 TL


10 Years

1703 TL

3837 TL


Read more about: Turkish passport

Traffic fines

Foreigners are usually interested in traffic fines because they are required in daily life significantly, so the most important of them must be identified, as we explained and prepared in the following table:

Fine Type

Value in 2022

Value in 2023

Parking in the wrong parking196 Turkish lira437 Turkish lira
Not wearing a seat belt196 Turkish lira437 Turkish lira
Talk on the phone while driving427 Turkish lira952 Turkish lira
Violation of the speed limit 10 – 30%427 Turkish lira952 Turkish lira
Violation of the 50% speed limit1823 Turkish lira4064 Turkish lira
Driving without a license3674 Turkish lira8090 Turkish lira

In general, all traffic fines in Turkey increased during 2023 by 122.9%

Other taxes and fees

Other tax fees can also be found below:


Value in 2022

Value in 2023

Annual Rise Percentage

Visa Allowance Tax

1034 TL

2304 TL


Work Permit Fees for Foreigners

13,866 TL

30,912 TL


Mobile phone registration "Turkification"

2,732 TL

6,090 TL


Criteria for raising the value of tax in Turkey

Taxes in Turkey do not increase randomly or are not linked to a precise system and criteria through which the annual government decision is made to raise or change the values of taxes and fees for various fields.

These criteria are:

  1. Inflation in Turkey
  2. Type of tax and possibility of payment
  3. The reflection of the tax on the state budget
  4. Exchange rate of the local currency against other currencies
  5. Deficit in the tax department or some sections to collect fees and fines.
  6. The impact of tax value on consumers and producers
  7. The impact of taxes on savings in the country
  8. The impact of fees imposed on commercial interests on private and foreign investments
  9. Studying the role of tax reform in the country and related decisions

This report on taxes in Turkey 2023 is part of the advisory services that Skyline Real Estate always provides, although some of its parts are not directly related to our work, but we are keen to provide interest and information to you because we are always looking forward to being the first and truest destination for information, advice and services in Turkey, especially for foreigners and Arabs residing in it.


Taxes in Türkiye 2023 and new fees
الضرائب في تركيا

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